The information below is wrong. Spot the wrong information. Correct the information and arrange them according to the sequence of the story. Use the information from the graphic novel to help you complete the task.
1. 1. Dr Watson met Sherlock Holmes at Paddington airport at 12.15.
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3. Dinah, Moran’s wife saw James on the path to Boscombe pool to shoot some deer. ( )
4. In court, James confessed to Sherlock Holmes he was never married and begged Holmes to help him. ______________________________________________________________________
5. James was engaged to a singer and it was a happy union.
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6. Sherlock Holmes found a stick which had blood on it. He deduced that the murderer is a tall and skinny man, left-handed and limps on his left leg. He wears heavy boots and a black coat. He smokes Italian cigars.
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7. The first witness is an 18-year-old girl, the daughter of McCarthy’s servant,
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______________________________________________________________________8. Nine months later, Sherlock Holmes received news that John Turner is dead and James and Alice are going to get married.
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______________________________________________________________________9. In the court room, James told the Jury about the argument with his father.
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______________________________________________________________________10. Patience told her father that she saw James and Charles having an argument and Charles almost hit James.
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